BeWonder LOVE Energy & Consciousness,Florence Scovel Shinn,Law of Attraction,Metaphysical Writers The Game of Life and How to Play It- Chapter 1: The Game

The Game of Life and How to Play It- Chapter 1: The Game

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The Be.Wonder Channel brings you the writings of Florence Scovel Shinn. This is her first book, The Game of Life and How to Play It. In this video, we begin with chapter 1, entitled The Game.

Listen NOW to chapter 1: The Game

READ ALONG | Download Chapter One:
Here is a link to the first Chapter of The Game of Life.



FLORENCE SCOVEL SHINN was an American, born in 1871. She lived most of her life in New York City. Florence was many things. She was an amazing creator, artist, metaphysics teacher, and of course, a writer. Her first book was published in the 1920’s. When she could not find a publisher for her books, she self-published them herself.

We have broken reading this book down into chapters. This way you can listen and read it in chunks. You can listen to the chapters on our YouTube channel, download the chapters on each chapter’s blog page, and read little tidbits. Plus you can comment on our YouTube Videos and blog articles to share your thoughts and perspectives. Hopefully starting a thoughtful discussion.

With transformational information, you will find that listening (or reading) in chunks can help for improved processing. This is information that looks at life from an empowering spiritual perspective. With information like this, it is important to listen to it and read about it. This way you are thinking about it from many angles. To understand how it fits into other aspects of your life (beyond your thinking).

Repetition, repetition, repetition is really what helps you to integrate information and shift your beliefs. Taking them from simply the conscious to the subconscious (habit mind).

It is of VITAL IMPORTANCE to find what resonates with you. What makes your heart sing. And read and listen to it over and over. Let it re-write your understanding and expectation of life. This way it is programming you choose. Not that was preloaded for you into your reality. 

What if Life Were a Game?

The consideration of life being a game is the focus of this book aptly entitled: The Game of Life and How to Play It. She begins the book by boiling it all down to “Jesus Christ taught that it was a great game of Giving and Receiving”. The Bible can be looked at as the original book on the Law of Attraction. All games have their rules. As well as the exceptions to those rules.

Jesus’s teachings are a great transition to higher levels of consciousness. By taking a book (the Bible) that so many of mankind are so comfortable with. A book many have gone to for understanding and help, over the last 1,600 years (Since around 400 A.D.). But with the understanding that it was designed to control us. Yet, it is a comfortable and relatable way to shift one’s thinking.

Most people consider life a battle, but it is not a battle, it is a game”.

The Game of Life and How to Play It | Ch.1 The Game

Ahhhh, Yes…The Matrix

Many of us have become aware that we live in what many describe as a Matrix. The game described by Florence may very well be understanding this Matrix. This reality structure we exist and create within.

What if the basic laws of how the universe functions were completely different than most of us have been taught? What if the fact that we had free will gave us the freedom to be controlled, enslaved with our own permission? Even as we are at the same time clueless that we are creating our own situation.

Create with Intention

We can create our worlds unintentionally or intentionally. Thus, it is important to understand that when you are unintentional, you are still creating your own reality. This unintentional creation is what can cause us to feel as if we are controlled by others and circumstances.

We can learn to listen to the universe. To know we are the universe. You are a little particle expressing and creating. And we are powerful. We are becoming intentional creators.

When we read this content with the eyes of our soul, it enlivens our inner guide to remember how to create intentionally. To remember who we are.

The Ultimate Mind-Fuck (the Bible)

Florence has taken the Bible, as a parable of the human psyche. The Bible contains ideas and concepts that many believe have been used to bind and control humanity. There is a belief that there are alterations and adaptations to the Bible that seek to limit our freedom as light beings.

In her writing, she has shifted the perspective of the Bible so that we can see these ideas more clearly. To see their usefulness and their practicality. Not from the perspective of a servant or sinner (bad dirty person). We are not weak minions, who must grovel and fear our maker.

We are not victims, we are worthy, and we are good. And there are empowering words in the Bible that help us to see beyond the Matrix that has put a spell on many of us.

There is helpful information and clues in the Bible. If you can read it without the pre-programmed mindset many of us were entrained with from childhood. With openness and a beginner’s mind. You may be able to appreciate the Bible in a new way.

Some Quotes from Chapter 1

[Karma] What We Give We Receive

“Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. This means
that whatever man sends out in word or deed, will return to him;
what he gives, he will receive.

If he gives hate, he will receive hate; if he gives love, he will
receive love; if he gives criticism, he will receive criticism; if he
lies he will be lied to; if he cheats he will be cheated.”

– Florence Scovell Shinn

The idea that whatever we send out we receive. I have heard it said that all energy we send goes through our energy field. Karma is a Sanskrit word. Yet the concept is found in all spiritual practices in some way.

Karma: the universal causal law by which good or bad actions determine the future modes of an individual’s existence.


I have a story from when I was a little street urchin in the 1990’s it is called cigarette karma. I will be publishing it soon.

(CIgarett Karma BLOG- Coming Soon)

The Scissors of The Mind

“That what man images, sooner or later externalizes in his affairs”.

The imagination has been called, “The Scissors of The Mind,”
and it is ever cutting, cutting, day by day, the pictures man sees
there, and sooner or later he meets his own creations in his outer
world. To train the imagination successfully, man must understand
the workings of his mind. The Greeks said: “Know Thyself.”

(Read more about the IMAGINATION on this blog.)

This idea I have found is something to quietly observe and ponder on. The concept instruction for understanding how our imagination is like a editor of reality is amazing. Yet it is not something that we can just learn linearly. We learn this through Kairos (nonlinear quantum time). It is something we are remembering versus learning about.

Departments of the Mind

“There are three departments of the mind, the subconscious, conscious and superconscious“.

“There is a place that you are to fill and no one else can fill, something you are to do, which no one else can do”.

“Many people, however, are in ignorance of their true destinies and are striving for things and situations which do not belong to them, and would only bring failure and dissatisfaction if attained”

“The Kingdom is the realm of right ideas, or the divine pattern”

The Idea of Levels, or as called here departments, of the mind helps to explore ways of being. Also ways of understanding. There is the concept that consciousness proceeds matter. This looks a little closer to that concept. These ways/ filters to see aspects of the world. This definitely something we will be writing more about in further articles.


“Intuition means, in-tuition, or to be taught from within. It is man’s unerring guide”.

The idea that there are many ways to learn and understand. That we can be taught through a form of inner learning. Not everything must be told to us or sought on the outside. Since I was young I have had a very clear conversation with a rather delightful spooky sense of intuition. It is also my best friend. Yes, that voice in my head… or conversations with SPIRIT.


“There is always plenty on man’s pathway; but it can only be brought into manifestation through desire, faith or the spoken word. Jesus Christ brought out clearly that man must make the first move”.

I know growing up there was a fear of materialistic things and buying things. A general sense of lack. There was alway a sense of being undeserving. Even the very basics. Of not belonging. Many religions talk of being bad and sinful. That your very nature is the lowest. How can one then accept a world view that god provides for a good comfortable and happy life.

[Listen] GOL | Chapter 1: The Game

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