BeWonder LOVE Energy & Consciousness,Inspiration,Meditation,Metaphysical Writers,Spirit Vlog Spirit Vlog 2: Connecting to the Ancients/ Exploring the Law of Attraction

Spirit Vlog 2: Connecting to the Ancients/ Exploring the Law of Attraction


Hi my name is Daisy Alexander. Thanks for watching my channel. This video is a Spirit Vlog where I ramble about life and share what I have learned, observed, and interpreted from my experience. I post information exploring the law of attraction and meditation, and I suppose you could say investigating the matrix or the hologram we are in.

Listen to SpiritVlog 2 (The YouTube Video)

Recent Meditation Q&A

I recently uploaded a video where I talked about Meditation- called Meditation Q&A and I also posted a basic 5 min. mediation video. (link above). I will be making more meditation videos as meditation is the most amazing skill to explore our world and consciousness. Developing a strong connection to spirit through meditation is vital for riding the waves of this 3d experience. 

I have found meditation is a skill we practice. The simplicity of it can hide how very profound it is. Understanding intellectually what is possible with meditation… is very different from the quantum experience of meditation. And as you go through the practice of simply sitting and breathing, you explore a part of yourself that is yourself- that you may have turned away from without even knowing. And you will begin to see what you know from a bigger perspective. 

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.

T.S. Eliot

The Universe Expressing Its self Through You

I have always felt as though, us humans are amazing. Or I could say I’ve always known this. Some have said that the world is the universe expressing itself through you and that your consciousness is actually part of the creator.

“Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.”

Alan Wilson Watts

Beginning to Meditate


When beginning to meditate, there is no need to spend a great deal of time sitting.  If you make time for 5 minutes most days that is great. 5 Minutes a day can be wonderful. A common thing that happens is that so many people think about mediation and intellectually know the benefits, they can talk about it, yet very few actually DO it and experience the benefits.

Self Perception

We have been taught to look at the world in a more cynical way. We get lost in a world of fear. Somehow fooled into thinking that this fear is practical, that it is realistic. Most have lost the knowing that they are a part of GOD and are backed by their creator. That they are good. 

So many of us have been fooled to think we are bad. I know I was taught that, something called original sin, that our very core is bad. And that to connect to spirit we must do it through a strange manufactured religious mechanism. That we on our own are not ok just on our own. But I found that in a way, that is simply a sales pitch. But while religion can be great, it is a human creation, that does contain profound. It may actually hide some of the answers.

A Combination of Ancients

I look to my ancestors, the people that were here before me, they are me.  And this matters. Our DNA programming comes from them and their knowledge and experience has been passed on to us. Each of us is a combination of 1000’s of ancients. And the ways of our ancestors can teach us in this time and space. This moment of now. 

The Voices of the Ancients

This may seem irrelevant. Yet the voices of our ancestors do speak to us. And what they have to say is important,

While this may be impossibly confusing. Yet, through time those who understand the nature of reality have been silenced. Indigenous people, our ancestors who know they are from the stars.

Just as in the song savage daughter by Wyndreth Berginsdottir goes: 

 “And deep in our bones, the old songs are waking.“

The Sami

My Ancestors were the Sami (the indigenous people of Northern Scandinavian also called Laplanders) were good people prior to becoming Christians. My Sami ancestors have quietly whispered to me since I was small. I can not forget them.

I know Christianity was forced on them through violence and when Swedish authorities (this was when Sweden ruled over Norway and Finland) forced them to abandon their religion, their spiritual ways by burning their Sámi drums, banning the joik singing (their way of singing) and forcing them to subject to the doctrine of the church, both in public and private. They were forced.

Their Spirituality was Hijacked

Understanding this is very healing to me. My Ancestors’ spirituality was hijacked. And the only way I can learn the elements of it I need to know, is through learning to listen to them through meditation. Many of the Sami, many of my relatives do not know the old religion, the old ways. They know what was forced on them and now they take that as their own.

We all come from some sort of indigenous background that has a way of connecting to spirit to this matrix we exist within. Even if we do not remember, the knowing is there.

A Benefit of Meditation

And this is one of the benefits of meditation. Quieting down and listening to the stories, to the knowledge and the wisdom and the information that exists within and all around you. You just have to slow down and listen.

All we have to know is that we are powerful, we are love, and we are good. And nothing can change that. 

I look forward to talking again soon 

Until then sending you Much love. And appreciation.


Spirit Vlog 2: Connecting to the Ancients

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