BeWonder LOVE Energy & Consciousness,Spirit Vlog Spirit Vlog 1-Understanding Who I Am | A Spirit Remembering

Spirit Vlog 1-Understanding Who I Am | A Spirit Remembering


Hello, My name is Daisy Alexander. Thank you for showing up to this Spirit Vlog and I am a spirit remembering.

I arrived to this world amongst a deep and delightful contradiction. A story colliding with many worlds. This is beautiful and it is painful. This mystery we are cast into. 

My Own Religion

When I arrived I brought my own religion with me. 

Religion is the belief in and worship of superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.: “ideas about the relationship between science and religion”…

Oxford Dictionary

For I arrived here with a memory of magic—a connection to the infinite. Of knowing that I am powerful, I am energy, I am light and most importantly, I am love. I am human a spirit embodied.

So many stories bombard our little tiny selves upon arrival. Stories of what to think, how to think, what to be, what is good, what is real. What is possible. 

I Was Expected to Forget Who I am

A big story in my life a central contradiction is the Laestadian Lutheran religion. This religious story began for my ancestors in Northern Finland and Norway. This story was thrown at me. It is a heavy story full of confusion, lies, choices based on survival, and good intentions. A story of sadness and suppression all tied up into our eternal salvation, of being accepted by a God that created us.

I was expected to accept this story. I was expected to forget who I am. TO forget who we all are.

My Family Tree

Another story was my family. I joined this line of people in this place in my family tree that had been moving forward full force for hundreds, likely thousands of years before me. 

I had thought patterns of belief and memories embedded in this body. Memories that were different than the memories of infinity. Yet memories that are connected to it.

So many stories: our family, our country, the words we use to see and understand and define. The way our senses organize the particles that make up this world. That collapse it into space and time. Into this very real sensory experience.

Our 3D Language

The language I was born with is a language that is not defined or structured in the way we understand here on Earth. It is shimmers and dances- it is feelings, impressions, flashes of light and silence. A language that is big and vibrant – Multidimensional. It is my native language, 

This story is tragic, it is terrifying and beautiful. This story consumes us as we fall into this time and place and move through a lifetime. A lifetime of days following what others tell us is true.

Programed to Be ‘Not Ourselves’

The things that we are told over and over reprogram our genuine selves. Redefine who we think we are. -believing we must do things that we do not resonate with. That we must live a life defined in a particular way. We are discouraged to listen to that inner voice, since that voice does not exist in this world. If it does not exist… then it is madness.

Falling to Pieces

The very format of this 3D world tears us apart. We fall into pieces. Scrambled particles seeking love and acceptance. Wanting to please those in our lives. Those who have lost their connection and now teach us to be like them. We forget what is real. And believe another story.

Join me as I share my spirit vlog navigating this 3D- world sifting and sorting our scrambled particles and becoming who we are.

My perspective is simply that- MY PERSPECTIVE. These are my stories, my understanding, and my own deeply structured brain (that I have been reprogramming and am still in process…..)

I look forward to talking again soon. 

Until then sending you Much love. And appreciation.


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