BeWonder LOVE Energy & Consciousness,Meditation,Metaphysical Periodical,Metaphysical Writers Nautilus Magazine 1943 (Oct): How I Get -Daily Dividends from Prayer By JUDITH BURDEN

Nautilus Magazine 1943 (Oct): How I Get -Daily Dividends from Prayer By JUDITH BURDEN

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In the late 19th and early 20th century, the New Thought Movement generated multiple periodicals. Some examples are the Nautilus Magazine, New Thought Magazine, and Science of the Mind. I am lucky to have acquired a small collection of these magazines that have, for the most part, faded from history. I am happy to share some of the articles that seem relevant today with you. Here is one of those articles. It is entitled How I Get -Daily Dividends from Prayer By JUDITH BURDEN from the Nautilus Magazine published Oct 1946. You can listen to it on the Be Wonder Youtube channel. As you can tell from the title, this article is about the benefits of prayer. Written by a lady in the 1940’s. This is the only article I have been able to find by this particular person.

The New Thought movement is still relevant to us today. It was a surprisingly popular and active philosophical exploration of reality. In this current time, we may know it as the law of attraction, new age, maybe even magic or it is sometimes referred to as the occult or positivity.

Please know that in the early 20th century, people explored the ancient wisdom within the Bible. And this allowed for a fresh perspective of that tiresome tome; an empowering perspective.  

The writer begins saying how prayer has affected her life. She writes about the effects it had on her life; beginning by saying:

"UNLESS you have had the bitter remorseful days of utter despair, adversity, and disappointment. Day after day,  in your life like I have had in so many days, months, and years of mine, you cannot really appreciate what beginning the day — each day— with prayer can do for you."

Feeling It to Let It Go

It seems like the key to creating a better reality is accepting what is and being okay with it. Essentially you are feeling it to let it go. And she embraces the negative experiences in life. “The bitter remorseful days of utter despair”. There is a relief in acknowledging how you feel and what you have experienced. There is a relatable truth.

We need some mechanism to accept and acknowledge how we feel and then let it go. And move on. I think a big problem is people wanting to get over anything without feeling it so they can truly let it go. It never can get processed out.

Really those feelings that we deem to be more of the lower vibe spectrum are also part of creation, an important part. And they must be acknowledged. This is the way we cultivate a more authentic uplifted attitude and experience of life. It is a process to create your own reality (create your own matrix).

Ok I digress…

Prayer, Meditation, and Affirmation

For me, words like prayer, meditation, and affirmation have a certain definition. And we all have our understanding of what they mean to each of us individually.  If we look at the dictionary there is a formal rather simplified version of each. That doesn’t really capture the depth or meaning.

I think that the prayer that Mrs. Burden speaks of here is a form of meditation and affirmation. For me prayer is talking to God or spirit, Meditation is listening (and a way to process information and connect) and affirmation is definitely a way of communicating directions to your subconscious mind. 

"I soon learned that the greatest rewards for the day came on the days when I did not meditate and pray hurriedly or madly just to say I did it, then to move on to something more exciting."

She would pray for about 30 minutes in the morning. And noticed a clear difference on the days she did pray and on those she did not.

"the best events came on the days when I enjoyed the time spent in communion with the Creator and was thankful right then for the time I was privileged to spend with him."

The writer noticed that the time spent in prayer, paid dividends (similar to the writer Christian Larson in the book Just Be Glad). For me sitting and meditating each day raises my vibration. My whole level of consciousness buzzes differently.

Bless It Real Fast

She says a very powerful thing:

"it may be hard to understand a law that requires blessing something that may aggravate or even seem to be on adversity. But don’t let that disturb you. Start right in blessing it. Bless it so fast that your mind cannot let another thought but a blessing creep in, and watch the results."

So many people feel anger and resentment- as a baseline. We have essentially been trained to react in a particular way. It is like a program. If a thing happens, then we are to react in a particular way. If someone does something we deem awful, we thus react by taking it personally and being angry. And we set a placeholder for that anger and resentment. We hold on to it. We feel that we must be angry. We have been trained to believe that there is no way can bless those we are hurt or aggravated by, they do not deserve it.

The thing is if we question that automaton programming. And learn to react in a different way IF we BLESS IT REAL FAST. We move on. This is so powerful. As you bless those that you want to hate and resent. You are no longer attached to it. You free yourself.

Of course, by now I am a definite believer in praising what I have to attract more of its kind, or increase its value in proportion to my need. And in the mornings during my half hour of meditation I spend a goodly portion of that time in praise. I praise my increase in spiritual understand­ing.

Looking at the Quantum Physics of GOD, Not the King Perspective

To think that as humans we may be more powerful than we thought. It seems we are taught to think that God is the big man upstairs who needs a lot of acknowledgment for his big giant ego. He was essentially a needy King. This story that people have been taught has never rang true to me. Another way to see it is that God is consciousness and we are a part of that consciousness. The energy created, in our particular experience/ life, from feeling sad versus the feeling of blessing are both creative forces. But they create different types of experiences. One solidifies a perspective of sadness and limitation whereas another transcends it.

This is a form of thinking and experience that is very different from our 3D materialistic mindset. Understanding this Superconsioness is a step into a more quantum reality.

Read Along

Some dictionary definitions from Oxford’s English Dictionary:

What is prayer? A solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship.

What is meditation? To think deeply or focus one’s mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.

Affirmation? The action or process of affirming something or being affirmed. Affirm state as a fact; assert strongly and publicly.


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