BeWonder LOVE Florence Scovel Shinn,Law of Attraction,Metaphysical Writers The Game of Life and How to Play It | Chapter 2: The Law of Prosperity

The Game of Life and How to Play It | Chapter 2: The Law of Prosperity

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The Be.Wonder Channel brings you the second chapter from The Game of Life & How to Play It [GOL], The Law of Prosperity.

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The Challenge of Prosperity

Chapter 2 of the GOL is called, The Law of Prosperity. Let’s consider what prosperity is. Below is a definition found on


1. a successful, flourishing, or thriving condition, especially in financial respects; good fortune.
2. prosperities, prosperous circumstances, characterized by financial success or good fortune.

Most of the definitions of prosperity I found focus on only financial prosperity. And really that is what most of us think, the financial side. Yet, true prosperity is more holistic, balancing health, good fortune, relationships, and finances. It is the supply of every good thing. And baseline, in our reality money is vital to our having our needs met and living an joyful life.

Currency (n.)

“Condition of flowing,” a sense now rare or obsolete, from Latin currens, present participle of currere “to run” (from PIE root *kers- “to run”). The notion of “state or fact of flowing from person to person” led to the senses “continuity in public knowledge” (1722) and “that which is current as a medium of exchange, money” (1729).

Really money is currency, a condition of flowing. Prosperity includes all the things that flow to us and that we experience in life. This can be anything from a friendship, to feeling healthy, and having money for what we need or want.

Prosperity, or anything money or supply-related, is strangely a touchy topic. Some people think money is bad, “the root of all evil”. And that a truly spiritual person should not be concerned about money. Yet, money is about the flow of energy and information that includes resources.

We also connect hard work and struggle to our prosperity. TO our flow of every good thing. And that the hard work makes us worthy. Stop to consider how often our so called ‘hard work’ is really taking away from our joy and not adding to it. It is making us limited, not limitless.

Consciousness Creates Matter

“…that words and thoughts are a tremendous vibratory force, ever molding man’s body and affairs.” 

The Game of Life and How to Play It Chapter 2

The idea that Shinn invites us to consider is that thought may shape reality. There may be the very real possibility that when you meditate on a goal you will attain it.

The ability to create what we need to thrive makes so much sense. Rather than the need to struggle and suffer at the mercy of truely selfish humans and horrible situations.

Although many have been entrained to dismiss this probability of creating through thought as ridiculous. It just may be that the way we are able to shape reality just works a little differently than we may realize.

We may live in a world based on matter. But the matter happens because of energy E = m c 2 . The famous equation fro our physics darling, Einstein, says that energy and mass (matter) are interchangeable; they are different forms of the same thing.

Looking at Spirit with this understanding you can say that consciousness proceeds. Consciousness is energy and it is matter. This may be a simplification but really our universe is as simple as it is complex. We are limitless spirit beings.

As we at least consider that we are more powerful than the story we have been told. We start to see through the cracks in the ‘matrix’.

Following You Desires is “BAD”

This is an area where many people put down the new thought movement, positivity, and the more current law of attraction culture, the idea that you can gain wealth through your thoughts. It is considered somehow bad, that you can attract the things you want into your life. “Gasp, how dare we be abundant and able to experience a life of joy.”

Materialistic: excessively concerned with material possessions; money-oriented. Synonyms: worldly, consumerist, money-oriented, money-grubbing, capitalistic, bourgeois, acquisitive, greedy, grasping, avaricious, rapacious, yuppie

 A Definition of Prosperity from Chapter 1 of the GOL

“A person with an imaging faculty trained to image only good, brings into his life ‘every righteous desire of his heart’ – health, wealth, love, friends, perfect self-expression, his highest ideals.”

Feeling Good

Being happy, getting what you want, and really just feeling good in general has gotten a bad rap. If you take this a bit further, if you follow inspiration many think this is selfish.

The Bible Mindfuck continues. The negative thought loop of religion. I know growing up in a very Scandinavian Luthern household money was bad. It is a deep abyss in thinking. People are taught that money is bad. Yet, if you are in need of money God does not love you. God cares for those who are good. Religious people have a general sense of belief that if you are broke you are not cared for because God does not love you.

This has led to all kinds of confusion, since in order to care for other humans we must be cared for. And for the intelligence that created us to have a mechanism in place for us to thrive makes the most sense. We are matter. Life is material, materialistic. Matter comes from consciousness. There is plenty.

Some Quotes from Chapter 2

Faith in Your Spoken Word

“God is man’s supply and that man can release, through his spoken word, all that belongs to him by divine right. He must, however, have perfect faith in his spoken word. “

Does supply appear in miraculous ways? Is it even possible? The idea that thoughts and the words we speak could release supply. That our words our thoughts mold our body and our life. It is pretty far out.

To look to God for our prosperity is so lovely. Rather than to other humans. This gives us amazing freedom. We are no longer dependent on others for our supply.

God is our Supply

“God was her supply, and that there is a supply for every demand.”

I remember how I felt when I realized that what I want is divinely inspired. Sure many have to sift and sort since we have so much messaging out there trying to make us what this thing or that thing. But really when you start understanding what it is you really want

It is good to be cared for, to have what you need, AND what you want.

Act As If

“Your part is to act rich, thereby showing perfect faith that you will receive it by Monday.”

“All things whatsoever ye ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.”

“You must act as if you had already received.”

“…you are divinely protected and God is never too late.” 

“Spirit is never too late. I give thanks she has received the money on the invisible plane and that it manifests on time.”

“…If one asks for success and prepares for failure, he will get the situation he has prepared for.

“Man must prepare for the thing he has asked for, when there isn’t the slightest sign of it in sight.”

Fear Before It Happens

“Getting into the spiritual swing of things is no easy matter for the average person. The adverse thoughts of doubt and fear surge from the subconscious. They are the “army of the aliens” that must be put to flight. This explains why it is so often, “darkest before the dawn.” 

“A big demonstration is usually preceded by tormenting thoughts.” 

“Having made a statement of high spiritual truth one challenges the old beliefs in the subconscious, and “error is exposed” to be put out.”

These statements are about the negative and doubting thoughts that may arise, the shifting of our pathways of thinking, and the momentum in our lives.

There seem to be pains and doubts. When we think a thought we literally create both an energetic imprint, a harmonic frequency, and physical neuropathways.

As we create a new type of life we sift and sort through this fear. Through the though shifts, and more mindful thinking. Working through the quirkiness that is the many types of reality we function within.

It seems like we go through many layers of understanding and being in the world to shift into this more intuitive creative space that many call The Secret, or the Law of Attraction. Becoming a creator take s complete change of consciousness and perspective. Moving from limited to limitless. It is all inside.

[Listen] GOL| Chapter 2: The Law of Prosperity

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