BeWonder LOVE Inspiration,Juicing,Plant-Based Juicing is a Way to Shift How You Eat

Juicing is a Way to Shift How You Eat

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There are many ways to keep yourself from falling into the trance the world seems to create Ways to live an increasingly higher vibe life and to be healthier. This is nice because there is not just that one thing you need to do. I mean what works for me may not work for you.

Juicing is One Way

Because of this, there are just so many access points to make positive change. There is not just one path or thing to do.

Just one little change can change everything. Juicing is one way to shift how you eat and feel. There is something important I want to make sure to say about food. We are all unique and you must find what is best for you. And to know what is best for you is about following your intuition, that sure quiet voice within. And finding what shifts you are inspired towards.

Plant-Based Does Not Have to Mean Plant Only

One of the things we can do is to shift how we eat towards a plant-based diet. This is because eating a bigger percentage if vegetables and fruits can have a significant impact on your life. I have found that juicing, as a way to increase veggies and fruits, has been a powerful way to shift how I eat. How we eat also affects can affect how we perceive.

Juicing has a way to rev up my vibe and inspires me to do things differently. Juicing can strongly affect the foods you crave and how you feel. Thus, changing habits for you, naturally. It can set you into a bit of a healing process, Plus so much more.

This does not mean not eating certain foods. It really is about adding something amazing. And that leads you in a different, high-vibe direction.

Living Optimistically While Life is Appearing Challenging

No matter what happens, no matter how things appear, I know that everything is always working out for me. However, while everything is working out life can sometimes appear challenging.

And that totally happened to me before this whole c@v1d pandemic. My experience over the last few years, starting a year before the pandemic happened, is a great example of life appearing challenging. And it so affected my body and mind.

If you don’t watch out you begin to believe the appearance of what you see is bad. And to forget that the universe is Good. Kind. and Loving. Most importantly, you forget that you are the Universe. 💗

I followed Inspiration

I was not feeling good or inspired in my body. So I meditated. I thought positive things. Then I listened to that inner voice. I was prompted to eat more vegetables and fruits.

That is what mediation and positive thinking do. Is to guide you. Thus helping you to make choices, your inner consultant. The more you listen to that sure quiet voice, the clearer it gets.

listen to your inner consultant 

The way I began to shift things drastically was by juicing fresh fruits and vegetables. I could feel I needed to nourish my body with high vibe foods. That is more foods that are Plant-based.

"No matter what happens, no matter how things appear, I know that everything is always working out for me." - Daisy Alexander

On an important note: When it comes to food, follow your intuition and what inspires you. This will shift and change over time. That is how intuition and inspiration work. It is okay to want to be a healthy functional weight. A true expression of yourself.

Many people are tired of the constant push to be that ideal weight- to improve. To be better. Be the weight that you believe is best and happiest for you!

One more thing. You are already better. You are whole, just as you are. Your improving is just you becoming true to yourself! Believe in the strong spirit you are and have always been.

Juicing is Amazing We Can shift how we eat

Juicing is a Way to Shift How You Eat

Be Inspired

A common idea with LOA is do what feels GOOD. This can sound hedonistic and maybe selfish- at first. However, we are often doing things out of social norms. Not because we want to. And the kind of hedonist we want to be is following what is good for us. What truly makes us happy.

So for me juicing and many very healthy foods have always been a treat. They world would make me feel so healthy and were soooo good. I would eat those healthy good. I would eat more ‘responsible’ and affordable foods regularly. Not really high- vibe inspiring good. As to not ‘waste’ money.

Juicing fruits and vegetables makes me happy. 



So I started making fresh vegetable juice. It was just what I needed. That change: adding fresh juice, seemed to light a spark. Giving me greater clarity and making me feel more alive.

The Juicer

I had a Jack Lalane juicer that I bought in the early 2000s and used every few months. I had the juicer for like 12 years.

Jack Lalane

I loved that cheesy juicer. Honestly, I just loved being reminded of him. That super cool. original fitness guru.

It was a centrifuge juicer. And it did not seem to pull out all the juice (aka nutrients) from the plant material. But alas it was time. I needed to get another juicer.

The thing with juicing is that you can eat a whole giant bowl of vegetables in a 16 oz. glass of juice. And we are talking spinach, carrots, cucumber, celery, sweet potatoes, apples, ginger, and more.

If you eat your vegetables whole, you can only manage maybe a cup or three of salad or stirfry. With juice, we are talking concentrated nutrients. Nearly ‘pharmaceutical-grade’ vegetables (nutrients). By eating so many vegetables you will notice a change in how you feel. A change in how you think.

How Often

I find making fresh juice every day or even every other day is perfect for me. If I go more than three days I notice a shift in the wrong direction and make sure to makeü some fresh juice to shift back to a greater feeling of health.

What About a Juice Fast?

You may have heard of juice fasting. That is not what I have been doing. Many have found that it can be a great way to get into the flow of wellness. I think that you can get great benefits simply by adding fresh vegetable and fruit juices to most days. Since it will really change how your body feels and what kinds of foods you eat.

Joe Cross is an awesome resource for juice fasts. Fasting can dramatically shift how you Eat. Really juicing in general. Check out his website

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

Here is the documentary Joe Cross made about juices fasts. Juice fasting is something you may consider if you are inspired to do so.

The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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