BeWonder LOVE Affirmation,Energy & Consciousness,Florence Scovel Shinn Spirit Vlog 5: Thoughts on Affirmations, the Subconscious Mind and AWARENESS Superconsciousness

Spirit Vlog 5: Thoughts on Affirmations, the Subconscious Mind and AWARENESS Superconsciousness

Watch Spirit VLog 5: Thoughts on Affirmations, the SubconsciousMind and AWARENESS Superconsciousness

Our Magical World

As a child, I could feel that this life is magic. I haven’t forgotten this knowing. I mention it often because this memory from childhood of where we come from is important. So much of our trauma is from losing our sense of true self. The self who we were before we got here. I suppose we can call it Who We Are. Life on Earth can be discombobulating.

I knew then that we live in a world of beauty and it is friendly and it is kind. That the Universe has my back. And there is nothing to worry about. I have forgotten this often. Yet, always I remember it.

At the same time as a child, I experienced many so-called negatives. I think that is the paradox. To experience such challenges but to know you are blessed and live in a magical world. A dichotomy of opposites. 

In looking at the world from a metaphysical perspective.  As my memories from arriving in this reality align strongly with a mystical and metaphysical perspective. It is not simply that we can control reality. Yet there is a sweet interconnection and interaction with the forces that surround us. That things are purposeful in a loving way. And there is a mystery that can not be defined or quantified……. because we are in an ocean of possibilities that we bring into focus. 

Thus we influence reality through our focus.

If we are the conscious universe, then there is no division or limitation. Any belief in division or limitation is then a belief in a mirage. And this is MAYA.  Row row row your boat. Gently down the stream. Merrily merrily merrily Life is but a dream.

Ultimately the reality that we see is more moldable and influenceable than we may have perceived it to be. We are entrained to believe that the world is very solid. Very stuck. That REALITY is hard, difficult, unchangeable, and controlled by hate and fear. 

And this is true. If you are in that mindset. Then yes, Life is solid, difficult, with sharp edges. Unchangeable and mean.  Stuck in one unchanging form, the more real. This truth we believe, we will perceive and the more we experience it to be so. We build this with our belief.

Yet we can shake it up. We can wiggle those particles and breathe in the magical light of infinity. Imagining our Spirit racing through the universe of light with wild mischievous blissful joy.

Our thoughts and beliefs access a quantum 3D-type printer in our heart center.

 The “Laws of Science”

“If quantum particles are not limited by the “laws” of science—at least as we know them today—and we’re made of the same particles, then can we do miraculous things as well?

Greg Braden asks this question in his book The Spontaneous Healing of Belief. Braden writes how ‘quantum theories suggest that the universe and our bodies are made of ever-changing fields of energy and that these ever-changing fields of energy, interact with  one another to create our world’ This interaction can create ‘possibilities rather than certainties.’ 

A key thought here is that it is important to us because we are part of the energy that is doing the interaction. And it’s our awareness of this fact that changes everything. We do not need to know advanced science or philosophy to know what we truly are. No need to get stuck in the quagmire of seeking validation for your understanding.  The knowledge is there. 

It is our Awareness that Changes Everything. 

So when we vibe high and do not allow ourselves to be too solid, too stuck, we find a more pleasing, joyous, and loving outcome. 

Yet through our experience in life, we cultivate a mindset that collapses those infinite possibilities into a set of perceptions and habits. And whatever those perceptions and habits are they become us and define what is possible. WHAT IS…

William James said, “Could the young but realize how soon they will become mere walking bundles of habits, they would give more heed to their conduct while in the plastic state (have you heard of neuroplasticity?”


So anyway the world is magical we can tap into infinite possibilities with our imagination. We are ultimately SUPERCONSCIOSNESS and we can have fun doing that. Joy, It is our nature. We have forgotten. And I think that forgetting it is part of the game consciousness is playing. That our true self is playing.

Your Literary Wand

I recently read, Your Word is Your Wand by Florence Scovel Shinn, See the link to listen to it in the description and maybe above) 

Your Word is Your which is focused on affirmations. Speaking your intention into your reality. Into your experience. The basic idea of affirmations is essentially this: Say something positive over and over and create it.

When you are beginning to gain a deeper comprehension of this you could say affirmations are a way to fake it till you make it. As you gain comprehension and experience it is a way of being. Of living. The essence of being a creator. And we are all creators. It is who and what we are.

A definition of affirmation is: An affirmation is a positive statement that you can use to help banish negative thoughts and achieve your goals.

Let’s define the word positive as the outcome we are focusing on. A possibility we would like to collapse into an experience in the material physical realm. Taking it from consciousness  (thought) to material.

On a base level, affirmations interrupt the conversation in your head. According to a study conducted by the National Science Foundation, the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those thousands of thoughts, 80% were negative, and 95% were exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before. 

Let’s call negative an outcome we do not want to bring into our experience in the material physical realm. 

For me, I have observed that life is a conversation with Creator. 

So much of metaphysical thought may be considered MADNESS however we live on a sphere floating in deep space surrounded by galaxies and are made of light. So we may want to consider more than the info that is fed to us and start listening to our inner voice and expanding our worlds consciously.

Affirmation and the Subconscious Mind

So with affirmation, we are directing your subconscious mind. Our conscious mind is at a level of awareness. We can use this awareness to direct our life. To program it. Our subconscious is the program. Bruce Lipton talks about how we are basically in a subconscious state for the first 7 years of our life. Theta. This is when we as humans are gaining the base programming to function in this world.

If we feel deeply, and back that feeling up with words of sincerity, we would achieve everything we wanted to and more. What we feel deeply is impressed upon the subconscious mind and carried out in detail.

Florence Scovel Shinn wrote, “There is a perfect picture of this in the superconscious mind. It usually flashes across the conscious as an unattainable ideal – “something too good to be true.”

The superconscious is our true self. Flashing thoughts and ideas into our awareness. Beliefs are programmed into our subconscious.

A  powerful affirmation

“I cast this burden of lack to the Christ within and I go free.” 

You can change this around. For instance:

“I cast this burden of resentment to the Christ within and I go free I go free, to be loving, harmonious, and happy.”

This comes from the Book Your Word is Your Wand. Now if the word Christ trips you up, remember it is referring to superconsciousness. Our Source. 

For me, those two base affirmations have become a way to shift my energy. So if you feel toxic emotions such as lack and resentment. You can be aware of it. And direct your focus consciously. As those 2 things are the biggest blocks to living a joyous life. And creating more.

Programming our Consciousness

We are part of Creation. We are Creators. The key with affirmations is that what we think is isprogramming our subconscious. 

In the GOL Florence says “ I will give affirmations that I have found most effective. However, one should never use an affirmation unless it is absolutely satisfying and convincing to his own consciousness, and often an affirmation is changed to suit different people (GOL CH 4).

With that, I will say fair well beautiful people. We are made of light and can shift our world about in marvelous ways. 

I will talk with you again soon.

Much Love and appreciation,

Daisy Alexander

Watch Spirit Vlog 5

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