BeWonder LOVE Positive Mind Writers

Positive Mind Writers loves exploring the nature of reality. We are trying to see beyond the noise and the boundaries. The authors referenced are divergent thinkers. They do not have standard perspectives or approaches. These thinkers are not status quo!

Remember we live on a rock that is somehow floating in space. This small blue dot revolves around a bright star made of hydrogen, helium and such (as we understand it). We live within a galaxy among trillions of galaxies.

Our mainstream accepted ideas, philosophies, and perspectives are not the only answer. Religion may not have the answers or be the ONLY WAY to perceive. They are simply a way. Or they simply give some of us comfortable answers. All that we know, all we think, and all we do are structures that have been created for us. We must constantly research (aka explore) and refine our own experiences. We do not need to just think one way because our parents or so-called “authorities” do.

Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is essentially your own.” - Bruce Lee

So much of what we have been told is possibly simply noise to control and direct us. Distracting us from who we truly are. From the knowing that we all have. Causing us to ignore and deny what may be more real that what be think is.

New Thought Movement

In the early 20th Century there were many writers who wrote about metaphysics, positive mind, motivational, transcendent & spiritual topics. Many of these writers were from what was called the New Thought Movement. This has its origins in Transcendentalism from the 19th century. Which was deeply influenced by the Bhagavad Gita.

The ideas that we attempt to categorize and define seem to be this magic that has run through time and space. This information has percolated up transcending the nonsense, to be visible for those seekers who are “foolish and naive”♡ enough to appreciate the simple and real magic that… simply is.

metaphysics refers to the study of the nature of reality.⭐ 

Some of these authors from the New Thought Movement include Florence Scovel Shinn (Born 9/24/1871), Neville Lancelot Goddard (Born 2/19/1905), and Christian D. Larson (Born 1874).

These are writers I have or will be writing about on the blog and YouTube channel.

Wikipedia has a list of New Thought Authors

From my personal observation, not every author is equal in quality and light. Not all are goodness and light. I depend on my inner knowing to guide me. And all that I can do is share that. The writers I choose to write about really teach what I believe was the core of the true Jesus. True Christianity (not the human creation/ religion).

Great Explorers of the Nature of Reality

There are great explorers of the nature of reality from all walks of life. mathematicians, engineers, psychologists, inventors such as Itzhak Bentov (9/09/1923) Charles Howard Hinton (1853), and Carl Jung (7/26/1875).

Itzhak Bentov was an engineer from Isreal. He was considered a scientist, inventor, mystic, and author. He invented many

Then there are transformational science and research-based authors as well as brilliant seekers: Candace Pert (6/26/1946), Deepak Chopra (10/22/1946), Herbert Benson (1935). As well as some interesting work from James Gordon and John Hagelin. And a director David Lynch.

Writers from over 2000 Years Ago

And I must mention Confucius (9/28/551 BC), Lao Tzu (571 BC), as sources of metaphysical topics.

Mysticism: attainment of insight in ultimate or hidden truths, and to human transformation 🌟 

Metaphysical writers

We have focused on the writings of Florences Scovel Shinn, Christian D Larson, and Neville Goddard currently. And will gradually be including videos and articles about these other mystical writers mentioned here.